Friday, February 20, 2009
Culture, thou hath withered
Our millenia old culture is slowly and slowly withering, thanks to the bombardment of Westernisation. We have forgotten our ancient Indian culture by blindly aping the West. We all are in search of a Guru, who can enlighten us to be a Teacher for the society. A True Disciple first and then a True Teacher.
(a) An ounce of practice is better than tons of theory. Practise Yoga, Religion and Philosophy in daily life and attain Self-realisation.
(b) These thirty-two instructions give the essence of the Eternal Religion (Sanatana Dharma) in its purest form. They are suitable for modern busy householders with fixed hours of work. Modify them to suit your convenience and increase the period gradually.
(c) In the beginning take only a few practical resolves which form a small but definite advance over your present habits and character. In case of ill-health, pressure of work or unavoidable engagements, replace your active Sadhana by frequent remembrance of God.
1. Eat moderately. Take light and simple food. Offer it to God before you eat. Have balanced diet.
2. Avoid chillies, garlic, onions, tamarind, etc., as far as possible. Give up tea, coffee, smoking, betels, tobacco, meat and wine entirely.
3. Fast on Ekadasi days. Take milk, fruits or roots only.
4. Practise Yogasanas or physical exercises for fifteen to thirty minutes everyday. Take a long walk or play some vigorous games daily.
5. Observe silence (Mouna) for half an hour daily.
6. Observe celibacy according to your age and circumstances.
7. Speak the truth. Speak little. Speak kindly. Speak sweetly.
8. Do not injure anyone in thought, word or deed. Be kind to all.
9. Be sincere, straightforward and open-hearted in your talks and dealings.
10. Be honest. Earn by the sweat of your brow. Do not accept any money, things or favour unless earned lawfully. Develop nobility and integrity.
11. Control fits of anger by serenity, patience, love, mercy and tolerance. Forgive and forget. Adapt yourself to men and events.
12. Live without sugar for a week every month. Give up salt on Sundays.
13. Give up cards, novels, cinemas, clubs and pubs. Fly from evil company. Avoid discussions with materialists. Do not mix with persons who have no faith in God or who criticize your Sadhana.
14. Curtain your wants. Reduce your possessions. Have plain living and high thinking.
15. Doing good to others is the highest religion. Do some selfless service for a few hours every week, without egoism or expectation of reward. Do your worldly duties in the same spirit. Work is worship. Dedicate it to God.
16. Give two to ten percent of your income in charity every month. Share what you have with others. Let the world be your family. Remove selfishness.
17. Be humble and prostrate yourself to all beings mentally. Feel the Divine Presence everywhere. Give up vanity, pride and hypocrisy.
18. Have unwavering faith in God, the Gita and your Guru. Make a total self-surrender to God and pray: “Thy Will be done; I want nothing.” Submit to the Divine Will in all events and happenings with equanimity.
19. See God in all beings and love them as your own Self. Do not hate anyone.
20. Remember God at all times or, at least, on rising from bed, during a pause in work and before going to bed. Keep a Mala in your pocket.
21. Study one chapter or ten to twenty-five verses of the Gita with meaning every week. Learn Sanskrit, at least sufficient to understand the Gita in original.
22. Memorize the whole of the Gita gradually. Keep it always in your pocket.
23. Read the Ramayana, the Bhagavata, the Upanishads, the Yoga Vasishtha or other religious books daily or on holidays.
24. Attend religious meetings, Kirtans and Satsanga of saints at every opportunity. Organise such functions on Sundays or holidays.
25. Visit a temple or a place of worship at least once a week and arrange to hold Kirtans or discourses there.
26. Spend holidays and leave-periods, when possible, in the company of saints or practice Sadhana at holy places in seclusion.
27. Go to bed early. Get up at 4 o’clock in the morning. Answer calls of nature, clean your mouth and take a bath.
28. Recite some prayers and Kirtan Dhvanis. Practise Pranayama, Japa and meditation from five to six o’clock. Sit on Padma, Siddha or Sukh Asana throughout, without movement, by gradual practice.
29. Perform your daily Sandhya, Gayatri Japa, Nityakarma and worship, if any.
30. Write your favourite Mantra or Name of God in a notebook for ten to thirty minutes daily.
31. Sing the Names of God (Kirtan), prayers, Stotras and Bhajans for half to one hour at night with family and friends.
32. Make annual resolves on the above lines. Regularity, tenacity and fixity are essential. Record your Sadhana in a spiritual diary daily. Review it every month and correct your failures.
- Teachings of Swami Shivananda and Swami Nityananda.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Religion is faith for knowing and worshiping God. It is not for taking rights to harm any one. It is the perfection and realisation of the true self.
Religion is the path for reaching the goal in life. Goal is realisation of self first and then God.
Essence of all religions is same. It is above rituls and prayers. Real spiritual education is eternal life, in the immortal soul.
Devotion on to Almighty elevates one's mind to get purity of thoughts and purity in actions.
Let us all create the purity in our mind by uniting our mind.
Unity of mind of human being can only create unity of all religions.
We need to strengthen our multi-faith spiritual heritage of India. True practice of secularism is love, respect and devotion for all faiths.
An enlightened Society is possible if we inculcate human values, spiritual values and patriotic values in our people.
Hail Oneness God, Hail God's of All Faith
Friday, February 6, 2009
The purpose of our life is divinizing our soul. How can we do that?
Spiritual path is the only path on which one can divinize the life. Divinity is a very difficult struggle for one who wants to relalise the God. Finding God is not an easy job. Even it can become an unachievable mission in ones life.
Knowing all above factors and yet going after God realization is the first step of divinizing.
The secret of divine is – "Go after some thing, which is not achievable" Here, if one goes after the God with utmost determination and dedication with total surrender attitude, one achieves the non achievable and may be something higher than what one can think of.
God gives his vision and opens the gates of spiritual kingdom where one can experience the mystic spiritual experiences. Again these are the hindrances God creates on the path of divinity. These mystic experiences are connected with name and fame for which the seeker gets attracted and fall pray to the divine maya. Yes divine maya is a test for the real seeker. No one knows how to win over this maya. By the time one understand this, it is time for the sojourn of the soul.
HOT line and Local lines
God gives every individual a hotline for direct connection to him to get connected to him. He gives us a full life time validity for using this connection. He also gives us many local connection as add on facility. We, with our half knowledge start using the local connectiosn and give complaint when it gets out of order or phones lines gets disconnected.
In sansar, One tries to make his life happy, peaceful and prosperous. For this he spends all his life time working and earning. Even he asks God also to help him to achieve all this.
I remember one incident where a Bank employee while chating was telling me that he will get spiritual after his retirement. He retired five years back but he has become more busy to settle in life and he is still making his life comfortable. Yes more and more comfortable.
God is the infinite source of energy, all pervading force and the absolute truth of this Universe.
Our spiritual speed and the ability determines which divine field of energy one will be able to reach in life.
The divine energy one knows to be the highest one is the Pranava “The Om”
We call it Om shakthi
There are different names for this pranav. Some call it Noor, Some Jesus Some Param Atma. There are different approaches to reach this Divine Light. As you go closer this light you can feel the warmth of Oneness.
Om is the only mantra which is universal in nature and you don't need a master to initiate you with this mantra. Only thing is that you must know the proper way to sound the Om. Universal Guru guides you when you strat chanting the Om.
Hail the Divine
Ashok kini Hosdurg.
The purpose of our life is divinizing our soul. How can we do that?
Spiritual path is the only path on which one can divinize the life. Divinity is a very difficult struggle for one who wants to relalise the God. Finding God is not an easy job. Even it can become an unachievable mission in ones life.
Knowing all above factors and yet going after God realization is the first step of divinizing.
The secret of divine is – "Go after some thing, which is not achievable" Here, if one goes after the God with utmost determination and dedication with total surrender attitude, one achieves the non achievable and may be something higher than what one can think of.
God gives his vision and opens the gates of spiritual kingdom where one can experience the mystic spiritual experiences. Again these are the hindrances God creates on the path of divinity. These mystic experiences are connected with name and fame for which the seeker gets attracted and fall pray to the divine maya. Yes divine maya is a test for the real seeker. No one knows how to win over this maya. By the time one understand this, it is time for the sojourn of the soul.
HOT line and Local lines
God gives every individual a hotline for direct connection to him to get connected to him. He gives us a full life time validity for using this connection. He also gives us many local connection as add on facility. We, with our half knowledge start using the local connectiosn and give complaint when it gets out of order or phones lines gets disconnected.
In sansar, One tries to make his life happy, peaceful and prosperous. For this he spends all his life time working and earning. Even he asks God also to help him to achieve all this.
I remember one incident where a Bank employee while chating was telling me that he will get spiritual after his retirement. He retired five years back but he has become more busy to settle in life and he is still making his life comfortable. Yes more and more comfortable.
God is the infinite source of energy, all pervading force and the absolute truth of this Universe.
Our spiritual speed and the ability determines which divine field of energy one will be able to reach in life.
The divine energy one knows to be the highest one is the Pranava “The Om”
We call it Om shakthi
There are different names for this pranav. Some call it Noor, Some Jesus Some Param Atma. There are different approaches to reach this Divine Light. As you go closer this light you can feel the warmth of Oneness.
Om is the only mantra which is universal in nature and you don't need a master to initiate you with this mantra. Only thing is that you must know the proper way to sound the Om. Universal Guru guides you when you strat chanting the Om.
Hail the Divine
Ashok kini Hosdurg.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Let us for a moment pause ourselves to reflect what is that for which we would like to be remembered by the future generations.
We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a Prosperous, Safe and Spiritual India resulting out of
National prosperity
Environmental prosperity
Economic prosperity
Knowledge prosperity
Health prosperity
Spiritual prosperity
All above with our civilizational heritage and culture.
Our children have only one question of freedom,
when are we getting
Free from Hunger
Free from Terrorists Attacks
Free from ignorance of Knowledge
Free from Hatred
Free from Economic Debts
Free from Environmental degradation
In short Prosperity and Safety
Let us all pray to Our Mother Divine and Mother Nature to create thoughts and actions in the minds of the people of our India, so that we all live in UNITY
Ashok Kini H
Jai Hind.
Let us for a moment pause ourselves to reflect what is that for which we would like to be remembered by the future generations.
We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a Prosperous, Safe and Spiritual India resulting out of
National prosperity
Environmental prosperity
Economic prosperity
Knowledge prosperity
Health prosperity
Spiritual prosperity
All above with our civilizational heritage and culture.
Our children have only one question of freedom,
when are we getting
Free from Hunger
Free from Terrorists Attacks
Free from ignorance of Knowledge
Free from Hatred
Free from Economic Debts
Free from Environmental degradation
In short Prosperity and Safety
Let us all pray to Our Mother Divine and Mother Nature to create thoughts and actions in the minds of the people of our India, so that we all live in UNITY
Ashok Kini H
Jai Hind.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Divine Child
We live a life of slumber. And we ‘live’ in such a deliberate and methodical fashion that we fail to realize we are not fully awake. We ask God to grant our petty wishes at all stages of life- from high scores in an exam to a new car and even grandchildren! In this wheel of desires, we get irrevocably stuck, till it dawns one day that there is more to life. There is a purpose to our time on Earth and we are born for a reason higher than which we are aware of. By the time we accept this, we are so entrenched in our ways that it is difficult to see beyond ourselves and raise our consciousness. Put simply, we want more out of life but don’t know the how or why or when of it. It can demoralize you and make you unhappy. Unless, you have a Guru to come to your rescue, like we did. Thank you Divine for always being there!
To make the above abstract more concrete, here is our story. My husband and I didn’t want a child for the first three years of our married life in Mumbai. We were settling down in new jobs and wanted to build a nest egg for the future. Ironically, when we did decide that we were ready to welcome a baby into our lives, we could not do so. Yes, life is strange! It was very disturbing to learn that there was no medical reason that prevented us from having a baby. Of course, we were aware that because of our age and the stress of our jobs, it would not be possible for me to conceive quickly. So when the doctor put me on medication to boost my fertility and speed up the chances of having a baby, we were confident the treatment would be successful.
The treatment started, and the first year we were buoyant, full of hope and patience. The second year, our doctor took us off the medication in the hope that our bodies would get a ‘break’ and bounce back, so I might conceive naturally. We were still hopeful, but a little less patient and a little more worried. I was thirty two years old and did not want my baby to be subjected to any complications due to age related factors. The third year, we began losing hope and grew desperate, as neither time nor medicine had healed our bodies. Dejection, frustration and depression were becoming our constant companions. If nothing was wrong, why couldn’t we have a baby?
Our only hope left was Divine Intervention, so we turned to the Divine Colonel, who never turns anyone away. I was shocked to hear His first sentence. “There is no need to have a baby just for the sake of having a baby!” It felt as if a mountain of age-old, rigidly held beliefs had just crumbled. He, was saying this, when almost everyone around us would ask us differently about ‘the baby’! “When are you having a baby?”; “Why haven’t you started a family?”; “Is there anything wrong?”; “It’s high time we had grandchildren!”; “Don’t you know your body clock is ticking away?”
His second sentence stunned me even more. “If you really want to have a baby, why don’t you ask to be blessed with a special baby, a gifted child?” At first, I was confused. I didn’t understand what he meant by a ‘special baby.’ Aren’t all babies special for their parents? He said, “It is easy to have a baby. But why don’t you ask to be blessed with a Divine Soul as your Baby?”
Our Guru was rousing us from our slumber, our almost meaningless life until then. The Divine Colonel was guiding us towards a greater purpose, a higher consciousness, and in a way we had never imagined. He was connecting us to The Divine by bestowing us with a Divine Soul when all we beseeched him was for a baby.
Pranav, the ‘Divine Gift,’ just completed 365 days on Earth with us.
He may be ‘Om, the supreme prayer’ and the omnipresent universal sound. For us, he is our son, and very special, so we call him ‘Divine Child.’
The Divine had planted the Seed in our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. It was up to my husband and me to bring it to fruition. A funny analogy comes to mind. It was as if Guruji had presented us with a magical wondrous rocket, which was a marvel and a work of art, perfect in every way. But it was up to my husband and me to launch it! Once it took off from the ground, it would fly like a brilliant shooting star that it was created to be. After all, it was a Divine Rocket!
The rocket took off. Beautifully. From the first moment to the last. It was fuelled with positive thoughts, positive energy, prayers and patience, all of which drew upon our faith in the divine Divine Colonel.
Yes, you could call it a miracle. Pranav being born to us is an Act of God, a Blessing from Maa. Because of Guru’s Grace and Divine Intervention, a Divine Soul flew down to Earth to be with us and has stolen our hearts forever. Is life different for us after Pranav’s birth? In every happy possible way. Pranav is a constant reminder that Divinity has touched our lives. That we are connected to Guru and God who guide us in fulfilling our life’s purpose. That faith can move mountains and miracles happen.
You may wonder after reading this that it sounds so easy to have a child, when for three years and for no medical reason we were unable to. The truth is, it is. All he asks of you is a grain of faith. Faith in the Divine, in Divinity and in Divine Intervention.
Jai maaguru
By parents of Pranav.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Divine Child - Mangalore
It was on 31st of December 2007. Me and Col. Kini after visiting the temple in Mangalore proceeded to my friend's residence to buy devotional audio CDs. When we were nearing the house, Col. took a detour and went to a shop and purchased some chocolates for the child in the house. I was surprised as my friend though married for ten years, was not blessed to have a child yet. I told Col. that he doesn't have an issue. The Col. was sad. He put the chocolate in his pocket and climbed the stairs to meet my friend and his wife.
My friend's wife had just finished reciting the Devi Stotram and the house was full of fragrance of Agarbattis. Col. selected few CDs and was happy seeing the recording being done by my friend's wife. When we were about to leave the house, Col. asked my friend and his wife to show the Pooja room. He prayed for a minute and took the chocolate from his pocket and revolved it around the heads of the couple and gave it to me to throw it outside. I did as he instructed me to and was surprised to see the change of expressions on Col.'s face. He asked for a glass of water and some sugar cubes. He dissolved it in the water and touched the water with his finger dipped in vermillion. He then gave the water to the couple to drink half-half. When they drank it, he smiled and said : Give the good news within four months. Then he asked if there is a Hanuman temple nearby. My friend said that its very close and that he visits everyday. He asked my friend and his wife to prepare and offer 21 betel leaves garland to Lord Hanuman. Then he moved out, looked at the moon and left the house. Then we drove Colonel to the nearby Hanuman temple which he had talked about. The same evening, Col. left for Bangalore.
Exactly after three months, my friend called up to inform Col. that there is a good news. I asked him about it as I had already forgotten the above mentioned evening. It was a miracle. I could not believe the news. My friend, inspite of being married for ten years and had remained childless, was divinely blessed to become a father ! And then i recollected Colonel's words. I called him up to pass on the good news. He cooly said : It will be a Divine Child, coming for a purpose.
This was 2 years ago. Today, the child, Dhiraj, has entered his second year. I just can't understand how Col. could bring happiness in my friend's family by just spending an evening with them.
I am writing this to give a ray of hope to all those who are looking for such kind of a Divine intervention in their lives so that they can also be benefitted by a stranger's visit.
- Dinesh Kamath,
6th October, 2008.
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