Sunday, March 1, 2009
PURITY OF SOULWe live our lives in a state of sleepy stupor – unaware and insensitive to what is happening around us and within us. We are unable to distinguish between the right and the wrong, the good and the bad, the pure and the impure, thus letting ourselves be effected by all that we see, hear, eat and touch.
Picture yourself buying fruits and vegetables: Of course, you only want the best and the most fresh for your family; and after all, you are paying a big sum to the vendor, so what do you do? You pick and chose, you fuss and sort till you have singled out the finest, top-notch fruits and vegetables for your precious loved ones. Aren’t we picky when it comes to buying our money’s worth of groceries for our family? But how is it that we forget this virtue of discrimination and fastidiousness when it comes to selecting thoughts, experiences, and emotions, even food and television programmes, for ourselves? Why aren’t we ‘awake’ or aware then?
We are assaulted by hundreds of sights, sounds and people everyday. We just need to learn to be a little careful and observant and accept only those that are good, positive and beneficial for us. Accepting anything or everything that comes our way will blemish our mind, body, emotions and consciousness. If we continue to ignore what we choose, it will darken our soul and make it impure. When that happens, we don’t even realize that we are diseased – it becomes our natural state and way of existence. We are hardly alive then.
The Purified soul is the satvik soul, the awakened consciousness. Awareness comes only when we are ‘awake’. And we are ‘awake’ when we have the courage and power to discriminate what we get in life and decide to accept only the good and the pure. We are awake when we don’t simply flow along the river of life, accepting all that touches us or passes us by.
“ So dear God, every morning when I wake up, please give me the strength to be awake, the strength to accept good things and the strength to remain good. Thank you Lord.” This prayer will make one connected to supreme soul.