Monday, February 22, 2010
Water has its importance in human life. 75% our body contains water element. Our planet Earth has also covered with water. So without water element there is no life. Even Nasa is searching for water existance in moon.
Spiritually our Atma is evolved from Param atma, ie; Ram the life force. It is orginated from Lord Vishnu who is actually sleeping on the bed of snake in the Ksheer Sagar. Vishnu's other name is Narayana. One who is connected with Water "Nara". The word Neeru is derived from Nara. We call it Neer also in some states for water. Ram is avatar of Lord Vishnu. Hence our atma is directely descended from Vishnu. We call Sun as Surya Narayan. Incidentally we give argya to Surya by offering water. To submit to the Lord Sun that we all will come to you in the last form of water.
How true, last rituals of a person who left the human body, is by calling the wandering atma in the Pinda and finally leaving it in the flowing water to send the jeeva-atma to paramatma NARAYAN.
Why we call it jeev atma?
Atma never extinguishes. It is a form of jeeva, a life. It is in the form of jyothi or Prakash and it has direct connection to Sun.
Present day humans are jeeva, a life energy, orginated from Sun. All started from Ram. Our heart beats because of Ram. That's the reason Hanuman showed who resides in his heart by tearing the torso.
RAM gaya tho MAR gaya. What a coincidence. RAM-MAR and GAYA
We dissolve the atma in the flowing water at the purest of place on the EARTH ie: GAYA in India.
Lord BUDHA got his enlightenment at GAYA and preeched BOUDH Dharama.
Do we need to wait to die to get the ultimate destination ? Is there any otherway to reach while living a life ? To reach to the Purest of place ? How to accept the death as JOY and enjoy life to it's best and DIE when you are living and NOT die when you are living in accepted DEATH like situations everyday?
Yes, we have an opportunity in this life to become one with NARAYANA.
I was in Haridwar recently during the Kumb. Millions Sadhus were waiting for the auspicious time for the Snan in the purest of Ganga. Sadhus were from different AKHADAS and all were illuminating with invissible energy. I wondered. Yes all these Sadhus also wait for the celetial auspicious time to take bath. That means NATURE has final say in deciding the auspiciousness on the Earth.
First thought which came to me was bit difficult to apprehend. But it had it's importance.
When Mata Ganga started her first journey on the Earth, how she encountered the Mother EARTH?
How many Ganaga's were absorbed by the Mother Earth to allow Ganaga to take its final course and destination.
Who is the purest ? Mata Ganga or the Mother Earth, who absorbed many Gangas in her ?
Interesting is Mata Sita is the daughter of Mother Earth. Sita is considered to be the purest who got married to RAM. There is strong connection between RAM - Atma- Paramatma and Sita - Prithvi.
There are millions of water drops in the rain. But there are only few, which are very lucky. They directly fall in the River Ganaga and becomes one with GANGA. Ganga's purest Holly Jal. In seconds it flows becoming GANGA. And yes, has all the holly qualities of Ganaga.
We all have an opportunity in this human life to become like this lucky rain water drops.
ACTION GIVING only GIVING is the answer to become that PUREST and LUCKIEST.
Start PARA UPAKAR. Start an action of GIVING. It opens up your SOUL door. Accepting or taking for self Closes the SOUL's door. See the actions of fingers when you take money and put it in your shirts pocket. Compare it with, when you take out the money from your pocket and giving it some one. Action is 180 degree different.
Let us all U turn from now. Let us start our journey from WOMB to OM and NOT WOMB to TOMB. Do not create your empire. Do not create memmorials.
Let us start the service first with MAA. Begin this action from MAA. Put a smile on your mothers face today and everyday by small actions.
MOTHER. Your own mother. See how nice you start feeling