Saturday, March 27, 2010


Has any one seen GOD ?

Yes or No ?

We all know it is not so easy to see GOD. We know how young Vivekananda encountered with HIS MASTER to show him GOD. Vivekananda became Swami Vivekananda had made India proud by his flow of wisdom.

Yes, It is just not possible to see GOD in ones life. But Yes you can experience the GOD.

There are ways to master this art to experience the GOD.

First you have to seek MOKSHA. I don’t mean you accept the DEATH. It is shedding all your desires right now. Zeroing the desire and then reaching a state of total ZERO desires is a state of MOKSHA. In sanskrit words “Moha kshaya iti mokshaha”

The most important and precious desire we all have is our LIFE. If we leave the desire to LIFE and surrender it to the Supreme then one becomes total purified.

Once we get this purity of mind and purity of thought, we need to focus on purity of action. That is knowing well that you can’t get GOD in this life, you still try to see him by everyday efforts. I call it DHYANA. Pure action for none, other than the SUPREME.

As we proceed in this DHYANA, we start experiencing the light of SUPREME in us. It is actually the GLOW of GOD.

Dhyana is concentrating on the form of the diety of the mantra (Kularnavatantra,chapter 17)

Dhyana is to hold the form of the deity in the conciousness without interruption (Prapanchasaratantra)

Dhyana is of two type (1) Saguna Dhyana, meditation on God with form and attributes, and Nirguna Dhyana, meditation on God without form and attributes.
Doing breath suspension and meditation on the diety is saguna dhyana and mediation on the supreme being without form is nirguna dhyana. Nirguna Dhyana leads to Samadhi.

When concentration reaches the non dual conciousness (seeing supreme being in each and every particle) that is dhyana.

Concentration on the universal form of God, realized by concentration on mantra, and blissful in the HRIT centre (Spiritual Heart) (Katvalyopanishad 5)

Eyes cannot see the supreme being nor can words express it – nor can it be reached by other senses and cognitive faculties. The supreme being is only revealed in dhyana. Dhyana (true meditation is only possible when consciousness is spiritualised by purity of knowledge of the self. (Mundakopanishad 8.1.8)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Listen to the silence words
and then
Put life in the words.
You will start communicating with nature.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


There are two Navaratra, Ashwij month and Chaitra month. Two are celestially fixed duration of movement of earth around the Sun. From Chaitra month we move upward (Uttarayana) hence the time is ripe to build powers of energy in self. Time after the month of Ashwij is dark hence we need to protect ourselves by burning all bad qualities. By dahana. Asur qualities dahana.

So both these navaratras are important days to purify self. The ways to do so are simple.




These are the three ways to reach to GOD by purification.

Science says, religious practices such as fasting, charity and self less service cause the the MOOLA energy to flow to higher centers faster than any other flow. Modern science says this as the chemical changes produced by the endocrine glands, ductless gland whose secretions mix with the body’s bloodstream directly and instantaneously.

We have volcanic energy at our MOOLA. This energy gets multiplied as we indulge in act of creation: an act which has GOD’s supervision. But if you allow GOD to manage the complete flow of energy from MOOLA to SAHASRARA ; upward flow of energy to higher centers if maintained without break one can attain a state of beyond TATVA.

There are five TATVAs : earth, water, fire, air, and akash. These TATVAs play with our charkas to create karmic programmes(KPs) KP’s get unfolded when there is disconnection with GOD. Melific effects of KPs can be prevented by getting DIVINIZED. In other words GODs proximity can prevent you from getting harsh punishments of KPs. Like you make friendship with a Police officer of local station 24X7. You never get a chance to do wrong.

As per Ancient Indian Science (AIS) Svara yoga one can master the techniques to identify the TATVAs in the body, which makes one accomplish much by using the least possible amount of energy. By the constant practice of kshata chakra bhedana and by doing continuous mantra japa one can transcend the TATVAs which dominates the five basic centres of the body ; first five charkas, there by achieve non dual consciousness that liberate them from the illusory word of MAYA.

The energy at MOLA is something which can even command the nature. It is like energy kept in one pan of a balance and human tying to balance it by ejecting it out through the other pan so to reach to the ZERO. BUT it is a momentary state. Permanent state of ZEROness cab be achieved if we move the energy to upward by holding on all our vasanas (pleasure).

So the perfect way to reach to the state of ZEROness, ONEness or SAMADHI is by offering the ultimate desire one holds. That’s Samarpan of PRAN.

When the Kundalini is raised up to sahsarara chakra, the illusion of “individual self” is dissolved. One becomes realized with the cosmic principles that govern the entire universe within the body. One receives Kamadhenu and becomes Siddha. Sidha in ever Samadhi state.

What Samadhi stands for is explained below:-

When the deeper concentration of supreme Brahman also disappears by itself within, there arise nirvikalpa Samadhi – in which all talent impressions of feelings are eliminated. (Annapurnopanisah 4.62)

When the uniform concentrative conciousness is dissolved by the most intensified concentration, there remains only the being of supreme conciousness ( Annapurnoanishad 1.23)

When concentrative conciousness is lost it is samdhi (mandalabrahmanopanishad 1.1.10)

Samadhi is that state in which”I” consciousness and supreme consciousness become one. It is without duality and full of bliss, and therein remains only supreme consciousness. (Shandilyopanishad 1.11.1)

As a crystal of salt thrown into water dissolves in water and becomes one with water so the state in which unity in “I” consciousness and supreme consciousness is achieved is called Samadhi. (Saubhagyalakshmi Upanishad 2.14)

Samadhi is that in which the I consciousness (ekta) merges in supreme consciousness (Gandharvatantra, chapter 5 p 26)

Samadhi is that in which the conciousness in deepest concentration and awareness becomes united with supreme conciousness. (Darshanopanishad 10.1)

When consciousness reaches a state in which it becomes uniform (nondual) it is Samadhi.

That state of consciousness in which there are no objects, no passions , no aversions, but there is supreme happiness and superior power, is Samadhi. (Mahopanishad 4.62)

That state in which the mind is devoid of restlessness. I ness, pleasure pains, and in which consciousnesss is absolutely motionless like a rock, in deepest concentration, is Samadhi. The state in which there is tranquility is Samadhi. (Annapuropanishad 1.49-50)

Samdhi is that state in which cosciouness is only in the nature of the object concentrated on and is still, like the flame of a lamp in a aindless place, and from which the feelings of the actions of concentration and I-ness (Iam concentrating) has gradually disappeared. ( Adhyatmopanishad 35)

The mind operating at the sensory level is the root cause of all worldly knowledge. If the mind is dissolved, there will be no worldly knowledge. Therefore keep the consciousness fixed on the supreme being in deepest concentration. (Adyatmopanishad 26)

The continuous flow of consciousness in the form of the Brahman, the supreme being in which the I ness has been dissolved, is called sam prajnata Samadhi. It is attained by prolonged practice of dhayana. (Muktikopanishad 2.53)

By sensory control, control of desires, concentration, and ascesis a yogi will be in Samadhi. In Samadhi all love is directed toward the supreme being. One is fully attached and absorbed in Him and experiences all bliss in Him. From Samadhi, knowledge contained in the word form (pranava) is revealed to the Yogi.

The state in which consciousness is in soncentartion and is illuminated by the divine light – without any desire – that super consciousness state is called Samadhi.

Monday, March 15, 2010


March 15, 2010, NEW DELHI – Ugadi is the New Year’s Day, the people of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The Word Ugadi (Yugadi) came from yuga + aadi, yuga means era, aadi means start, The start of an era.

This year 2010 Ugadi marks the beginning of Vikruti Nama Samvatsaram as per Panchanga. The Panchanga is nothing but a yearly calendar followed by the people.

On this ocassion of Ugadi, people make a recipe called Bevu Bella or Ugadi Pachadi. This is a special preparation prepared in every home on this New Year’s day.

Bevu Bella, or Ugadi Neem leaf Pachadi, is an indispensable offering on Ugadhi, the Kannada and Telugu New Year day. This unique Bevu or Neem leaf preparation symbolically represents the different facets of life – sweet and bitter experiences of life.

This is a short description of how Ugadi is celebrated in Karnataka and includes the important pujas performed,
neivediya prepared, food and other rituals. The main to do list include – buying new clothes, Neem flower and leaf pachadi preparation, oil bath and Ugadi Panchanga Sravana. There are slight variations in the mode of Telugu Ugadi celebration.

Things Needed

* New Clothes for family members
* Neem leaves and flowers for Pachadi
* New Year Panchanga
* Fresh fruits
* General Puja Flowers

Ugadi Puja

The eldest female member in the house usually prepares for the Ugadi puja.

House is thoroughly cleaned.

Mango leave festoons or other decorations are installed on doors and windows.

Ugadi pachadi or neem flower with jaggery is prepared.

New clothes for family members are arranged before the deity or in the puja room. A small mark using a pinch of turmeric and kum kuma is made on the new clothes, mostly on those areas which is not easily visible.

Next is the oil bath. A through oil bath with sesame oil or other hair oils is a must on Ugadi. Usually children are given a good scalp oil massage by mothers.

Then family members take a bath and are given new clothes.

Now the family assembles in the Puja room.

The Panchanga Puja is performed. Copies of New Panchanga are placed on a stool and is decorated with turmeric, sandalwood paste and kumkum. Some flowers, uncooked rice and turmeric are placed on the panchanga. A simple puja is perfor

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


A Pursuit Of Balance - Becoming ZERO

We begin our life existance with ZERO. Our life starts running on borrowed state. We borrow first from MOTHER and then from the NATURE. We try to balane it by carrying out actions to repay but in the process land up borrowing more and more from the NATURE. We exert ourself in the name of achieving success. Success which has no value and contribution to the NATURE. The DEBT remains. NATURE's BANK never gets bankrupt. But our intentions in life should not be to LOOT the bank. Rather do some rich fixed deposits. Deposits which can accrew some good persentage of interest for the comming generations to enjoy. Yes without touching the seed money and the capital fund of the NATURE.

What is our NEED ? Why are we GREEDY ? What is our SATISFACTION level ?
Uncommon exertion can empower us to achieve a new level of success yet must be paired with rest that goes above and beyond what we usually indulge in if we wish to maintain our overall well-being. It is easy to fall into a trap in which we are so driven to succeed that we do so at the expense of our health or our happiness because we do not fully understand the relationship between our need for satisfaction and our need for wellness. It is like having a heart attack at the finishing point of a MARATHON race. Life has become like a mad MARATHON. We all participate in this race by our GREED. No purpose NO aim. Knowing well that the winner will be ONLY ONE. Why cant we make that ONE as our MALIK. OUR LORD. And give the winning SHIELD of MARATHON to the POWER of ONE.

We can pursue our purpose diligently without feeling tense or strained by simply modifying our life style and other areas of our lives to ensure that our existence does not become imbalanced in the NATURE. When we are similarly industrious in our quest to achieve equilibrium, stress will not impede our progress. One will find that one can apply self to one's goals without exhaustion today when one give self plenty of time to recover.

One may feel tense some time and unable to concentrate on the rigors of usual routine. But obligations may require you to undertake activities that tax you mentally and physically because they require you to venture outside of your comfort zone or use your body in a new way. In other words you are FORCED. You will likely find that you can successfully take on these new responsibilities but that these pursuits exhaust you. To maintain your well-being while also conquering the duties fate puts before you, you may need to rest between each activity to see the ZERO of a balabce. Ensure that you are giving 100 percent of yourself to each of your tasks, You will become ZERO. The perfect BALANCE in life.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Before you go to sleep at night, think about MY love for you. If you'll count your blessings, you will see how I have blessed you in so many ways, through so many things and so many people. Earch os these is a token of MY great love for you, personally.

I ask that you also think about how much love you have given. What did you do today to show love to others, so they too could be touched by MY love ? If you followed the leading of your heart, that little nudge I gave you each time I put an opportunity to show love in your path, you were also touched by MY love. You can't give love without receiving a touch of MY love in return. That's why it can be truly said that it is more blessed to give than receive, that more love is found in giving love than in receiving love. If others don't return your love, I repay, and if they do, you receive doubly, from them and from ME.

How much love do you give? Remember that I have no mouth but yours and no hands but yours to touch other's hearts and draw them to mE Give and it shall be given to you. As much as you have done it to others, you have done it to ME.

Touch others with MY love


Iam JIVA tatva, Iam Jesus.

From JESUS with Love