Saturday, January 31, 2009

Book Release- Human Values

Press Release

Colonel Ashok Kini Hosdurg, President of Faith Foundation, and the co-author of the book, while speaking on the occasion of book release, dedicated the book to all those children who have become victim of terrorism. He narrated the incident of Master Santosh Kumar who was killed in the recent bomb blast in Mehrauli in Delhi, last month while trying to return the bag dropped by the bike bound terrorists, presuming that they are unaware of the bag. He also mentioned there are many mothers in the country who have lost innocent children because of lack of Human Values in the society. He expressed that this book is dedicated to all those children who have lost their lives in similar kind of incidents. Mentioning Lt. Governor Tejendra Khanaa’s concern over diminishing human values in our country and particularly in Delhi, Col. Kini said, the book on Human Value “A Voyage from “I” to “We” is the first step towards creating an enlightened society in India. He said, Value Based Education is must to every child going to the school and every child also must know what is right and what is wrong.

Lt. Governor Tejendra Khanna thanked Faith Foundation India and the authors for presenting him the first copy of the book released by eminent scientist and Hon’ble Member of Parliament Dr. Swaminathan. He appreciated the efforts of Dr. Dewan, Col. Ashok Kini and Mr. Pradeep Nayak for the wonderful work done by them on this unique project of the book. He expressed his joy for selecting the venue of Garden of Five Senses to release the book on values which contains five important human values.

Quoting from scriptures of different religions, he said “Religions always promoted human and spiritual values in the society for living in peace and harmony”.

He said, “There are no fruits of actions of any good, if one is indulging in hurting the other and sowing the seed of hatredness. Love is important in the society to respect the human values. Referring to many poetries and poems, Lt Governor Tejendra Khanna said “One should not take away the right of others and human values needs to be promoted for betterment of human lives. Living in brotherhood and love for each other is certainly a step towards peaceful and secured society

He said, “Love everyone as only love can stop all problems in the society. when you love someone you don’t cheat him, you don’t envy him, you don’t hate him. You are truthful and honest with him and you do all the right actions towards him”. To underline this he quoted, “The Great Saint Guru Gobind Singh and Poet Buleshah”. Cheating others is a crime equivalent to Hindu killing a cow and Muslim eating pork. He said if you have belief and confidence then everything and anything is possible in life. He clearly mentioned that for all great changes the first seed needs to be sown at once own home. Elders have to change themselves and make themselves as a role model for the younger one to follow. He also quoted from gospel of Bible, ‘do earn to others as you would have them do earn to you’. . He thanked Women International Network Mrs. Udit Tiwari for organizing the show of Salam India.

Dr Swaminathan expressed his heart felt thanks to be the Chief guest to release the book on Human Values. He congratulated the authors of the book and thanked the organizers to have chosen the Garden of Five Senses for release of the book on the very special Children’s Day in a unique way. He was very happy to be amongst the gathering. He stressed on the five human values of truth, right action, peace, non violence and love which are the need of our earth for the entire country. He said the book will be a great asset to every child to carve out good character and to move on the path to become an enlightened citizen in the society.

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